Library Coquelicot.RInt

This file is part of the Coquelicot formalization of real analysis in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Sylvie Boldo
Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Catherine Lelay
Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Guillaume Melquiond
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the COPYING file for more details.

Require Import Reals Psatz.
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect mathcomp.ssreflect.ssrbool mathcomp.ssreflect.eqtype mathcomp.ssreflect.seq.
Require Import Markov Rcomplements Rbar Lub Lim_seq SF_seq.
Require Import Continuity Hierarchy.

This file contains the definition and properties of the Riemann integral, defined on a normed module on R. For real functions, a total function RInt is available.

Section is_RInt.

Definition of Riemann integral

Context {V : NormedModule R_AbsRing}.

Definition is_RInt (f : R V) (a b : R) (If : V) :=
  filterlim (fun ptdscal (sign (b-a)) (Riemann_sum f ptd)) (Riemann_fine a b) (locally If).

Definition ex_RInt (f : R V) (a b : R) :=
   If : V, is_RInt f a b If.

Usual properties

The integral between a and a is null

Lemma is_RInt_point :
   (f : R V) (a : R),
  is_RInt f a a zero.

Lemma ex_RInt_point :
   (f : R V) a,
  ex_RInt f a a.

Swapping bounds

Lemma is_RInt_swap :
   (f : R V) (a b : R) (If : V),
  is_RInt f b a If is_RInt f a b (opp If).

Lemma ex_RInt_swap :
   (f : R V) (a b : R),
  ex_RInt f a b ex_RInt f b a.

Integrable implies bounded

Lemma ex_RInt_ub (f : R V) (a b : R) :
  ex_RInt f a b M : R, t : R,
    Rmin a b t Rmax a b norm (f t) M.


Lemma is_RInt_ext :
   (f g : R V) (a b : R) (l : V),
  ( x, Rmin a b < x < Rmax a b f x = g x)
  is_RInt f a b l is_RInt g a b l.

Lemma ex_RInt_ext :
   (f g : R V) (a b : R),
  ( x, Rmin a b < x < Rmax a b f x = g x)
  ex_RInt f a b ex_RInt g a b.

Constant functions

Lemma is_RInt_const :
   (a b : R) (v : V),
  is_RInt (fun _v) a b (scal (b - a) v).

Lemma ex_RInt_const :
   (a b : R) (v : V),
  ex_RInt (fun _v) a b.


Lemma is_RInt_comp_opp :
   (f : R V) (a b : R) (l : V),
  is_RInt f (-a) (-b) l
  is_RInt (fun yopp (f (- y))) a b l.

Lemma ex_RInt_comp_opp :
   (f : R V) (a b : R),
  ex_RInt f (-a) (-b)
  ex_RInt (fun yopp (f (- y))) a b.

Lemma is_RInt_comp_lin
  (f : R V) (u v a b : R) (l : V) :
  is_RInt f (u × a + v) (u × b + v) l
     is_RInt (fun yscal u (f (u × y + v))) a b l.

Lemma ex_RInt_comp_lin (f : R V) (u v a b : R) :
  ex_RInt f (u × a + v) (u × b + v)
     ex_RInt (fun yscal u (f (u × y + v))) a b.


Lemma is_RInt_Chasles_0 (f : R V) (a b c : R) (l1 l2 : V) :
  a < b < c is_RInt f a b l1 is_RInt f b c l2
   is_RInt f a c (plus l1 l2).

Lemma ex_RInt_Chasles_0 (f : R V) (a b c : R) :
  a b c ex_RInt f a b ex_RInt f b c
   ex_RInt f a c.

Lemma is_RInt_Chasles_1 (f : R V) (a b c : R) l1 l2 :
  a < b < c is_RInt f a c l1 is_RInt f b c l2 is_RInt f a b (minus l1 l2).

Lemma is_RInt_Chasles_2 (f : R V) (a b c : R) l1 l2 :
  a < b < c is_RInt f a c l1 is_RInt f a b l2 is_RInt f b c (minus l1 l2).

Lemma is_RInt_Chasles (f : R V) (a b c : R) (l1 l2 : V) :
  is_RInt f a b l1 is_RInt f b c l2
   is_RInt f a c (plus l1 l2).
Lemma ex_RInt_Chasles (f : R V) (a b c : R) :
  ex_RInt f a b ex_RInt f b c ex_RInt f a c.


Lemma is_RInt_scal :
   (f : R V) (a b : R) (k : R) (If : V),
  is_RInt f a b If
  is_RInt (fun yscal k (f y)) a b (scal k If).

Lemma ex_RInt_scal :
   (f : R V) (a b : R) (k : R),
  ex_RInt f a b
  ex_RInt (fun yscal k (f y)) a b.

Lemma is_RInt_opp :
   (f : R V) (a b : R) (If : V),
  is_RInt f a b If
  is_RInt (fun yopp (f y)) a b (opp If).

Lemma ex_RInt_opp :
   (f : R V) (a b : R),
  ex_RInt f a b
  ex_RInt (fun xopp (f x)) a b.

Lemma is_RInt_plus :
   (f g : R V) (a b : R) (If Ig : V),
  is_RInt f a b If
  is_RInt g a b Ig
  is_RInt (fun yplus (f y) (g y)) a b (plus If Ig).

Lemma ex_RInt_plus :
   (f g : R V) (a b : R),
  ex_RInt f a b
  ex_RInt g a b
  ex_RInt (fun yplus (f y) (g y)) a b.

Lemma is_RInt_minus :
   (f g : R V) (a b : R) (If Ig : V),
  is_RInt f a b If
  is_RInt g a b Ig
  is_RInt (fun yminus (f y) (g y)) a b (minus If Ig).

Lemma ex_RInt_minus :
   (f g : R V) (a b : R),
  ex_RInt f a b
  ex_RInt g a b
  ex_RInt (fun yminus (f y) (g y)) a b.

End is_RInt.

Lemma ex_RInt_Chasles_1 {V : CompleteNormedModule R_AbsRing}
  (f : R V) (a b c : R) :
  a b c ex_RInt f a c ex_RInt f a b.

Lemma ex_RInt_Chasles_2 {V : CompleteNormedModule R_AbsRing}
  (f : R V) (a b c : R) :
   a b c ex_RInt f a c ex_RInt f b c.

Lemma ex_RInt_inside {V : CompleteNormedModule R_AbsRing} :
   (f : R V) (a b x e : R),
  ex_RInt f (x-e) (x+e) Rabs (a-x) e Rabs (b-x) e
  ex_RInt f a b.

Exchange limit and integral

Lemma filterlim_RInt {U} {V : CompleteNormedModule R_AbsRing} :
   (f : U R V) (a b : R) F (FF : ProperFilter F)
    g h,
  ( x, is_RInt (f x) a b (h x))
   (filterlim f F (locally g))
   If, filterlim h F (locally If) is_RInt g a b If.

Continuous imply Riemann-integrable

Section StepFun.

Context {V : NormedModule R_AbsRing}.

Lemma is_RInt_SF (f : R V) (s : SF_seq) :
  SF_sorted Rle s
  let a := SF_h s in
  let b := last (SF_h s) (unzip1 (SF_t s)) in
  is_RInt (SF_fun (SF_map f s) zero) a b (Riemann_sum f s).

Lemma ex_RInt_SF (f : R V) (s : SF_seq) :
  SF_sorted Rle s
  let a := SF_h s in
  let b := last (SF_h s) (unzip1 (SF_t s)) in
  ex_RInt (SF_fun (SF_map f s) zero) a b.

End StepFun.

Lemma ex_RInt_continuous {V : CompleteNormedModule R_AbsRing} (f : R V) (a b : R) :
  ( z, Rmin a b z Rmax a b continuous f z)
   ex_RInt f a b.


Section norm_RInt.

Context {V : NormedModule R_AbsRing}.

Lemma norm_RInt_le :
   (f : R V) (g : R R) (a b : R) (lf : V) (lg : R),
  a b
  ( x, a x b norm (f x) g x)
  is_RInt f a b lf
  is_RInt g a b lg
  norm lf lg.

Lemma norm_RInt_le_const :
   (f : R V) (a b : R) (lf : V) (M : R),
  a b
  ( x, a x b norm (f x) M)
  is_RInt f a b lf
  norm lf (b - a) × M.

Lemma norm_RInt_le_const_abs :
   (f : R V) (a b : R) (lf : V) (M : R),
  ( x, Rmin a b x Rmax a b norm (f x) M)
  is_RInt f a b lf
  norm lf Rabs (b - a) × M.

End norm_RInt.

Specific Normed Modules


Section prod.

Context {U V : NormedModule R_AbsRing}.

Lemma is_RInt_fct_extend_fst
  (f : R U × V) (a b : R) (l : U × V) :
  is_RInt f a b l is_RInt (fun tfst (f t)) a b (fst l).

Lemma is_RInt_fct_extend_snd
  (f : R U × V) (a b : R) (l : U × V) :
  is_RInt f a b l is_RInt (fun tsnd (f t)) a b (snd l).

Lemma is_RInt_fct_extend_pair
  (f : R U × V) (a b : R) lu lv :
  is_RInt (fun tfst (f t)) a b lu
  is_RInt (fun tsnd (f t)) a b lv
     is_RInt f a b (lu,lv).

Lemma ex_RInt_fct_extend_fst
  (f : R U × V) (a b : R) :
  ex_RInt f a b ex_RInt (fun tfst (f t)) a b.

Lemma ex_RInt_fct_extend_snd
  (f : R U × V) (a b : R) :
  ex_RInt f a b ex_RInt (fun tsnd (f t)) a b.

Lemma ex_RInt_fct_extend_pair
  (f : R U × V) (a b : R) :
  ex_RInt (fun tfst (f t)) a b
  ex_RInt (fun tsnd (f t)) a b
     ex_RInt f a b.

Lemma RInt_fct_extend_pair
   (U_RInt : (R U) R R U) (V_RInt : (R V) R R V) :
  ( f a b l, is_RInt f a b l U_RInt f a b = l)
   ( f a b l, is_RInt f a b l V_RInt f a b = l)
   f a b l, is_RInt f a b l
     (U_RInt (fun tfst (f t)) a b, V_RInt (fun tsnd (f t)) a b) = l.

End prod.

The total function RInt

Section RInt.

Context {V : CompleteNormedModule R_AbsRing}.

Definition RInt (f : R V) (a b : R) := iota (is_RInt f a b).

Lemma is_RInt_unique (f : R V) (a b : R) (l : V) :
  is_RInt f a b l RInt f a b = l.

Lemma RInt_correct (f : R V) (a b : R) :
  ex_RInt f a b is_RInt f a b (RInt f a b).

Lemma opp_RInt_swap :
   f a b,
  ex_RInt f a b
  opp (RInt f a b) = RInt f b a.

Correction of RInt

Usual rewritings

Lemma RInt_ext (f g : R V) (a b : R) :
  ( x, Rmin a b < x < Rmax a b f x = g x)
  RInt f a b = RInt g a b.

Lemma RInt_point (a : R) (f : R V) :
  RInt f a a = zero.

Lemma RInt_const (a b : R) (c : V) :
  RInt (fun _c) a b = scal (b - a) c.

Lemma RInt_comp_lin (f : R V) (u v a b : R) :
  ex_RInt f (u × a + v) (u × b + v)
  RInt (fun yscal u (f (u × y + v))) a b = RInt f (u × a + v) (u × b + v).

Lemma RInt_Chasles :
   f a b c,
  ex_RInt f a b ex_RInt f b c
  plus (RInt f a b) (RInt f b c) = RInt f a c.

Lemma RInt_scal (f : R V) (a b l : R) :
  ex_RInt f a b
  RInt (fun xscal l (f x)) a b = scal l (RInt f a b).

Lemma RInt_opp (f : R V) (a b : R) :
  ex_RInt f a b
  RInt (fun xopp (f x)) a b = opp (RInt f a b).

Lemma RInt_plus :
   f g a b, ex_RInt f a b ex_RInt g a b
  RInt (fun xplus (f x) (g x)) a b = plus (RInt f a b) (RInt g a b).

Lemma RInt_minus :
   f g a b, ex_RInt f a b ex_RInt g a b
  RInt (fun xminus (f x) (g x)) a b = minus (RInt f a b) (RInt g a b).

End RInt.


Lemma is_RInt_ge_0 (f : R R) (a b If : R) :
  a b is_RInt f a b If
  ( x, a < x < b 0 f x) 0 If.

Lemma RInt_ge_0 (f : R R) (a b : R) :
  a b ex_RInt f a b
   ( x, a < x < b 0 f x) 0 RInt f a b.

Lemma is_RInt_le (f g : R R) (a b If Ig : R) :
  a b
  is_RInt f a b If is_RInt g a b Ig
  ( x, a < x < b f x g x)
  If Ig.

Lemma RInt_le (f g : R R) (a b : R) :
  a b
  ex_RInt f a b ex_RInt g a b
  ( x, a < x < b f x g x)
  RInt f a b RInt g a b.

Lemma RInt_gt_0 (g : R R) (a b : R) :
  (a < b) ( x, a < x < b (0 < g x))
  ( x, a x b continuous g x)
  0 < RInt g a b.

Lemma RInt_lt (f g : R R) (a b : R) :
  a < b
  ( x : R, a x b continuous g x)
  ( x : R, a x b continuous f x)
  ( x : R, a < x < b f x < g x)
  RInt f a b < RInt g a b.

Lemma abs_RInt_le_const :
   (f : R R) a b M,
  a b ex_RInt f a b
  ( t, a t b Rabs (f t) M)
  Rabs (RInt f a b) (b - a) × M.

Equivalence with standard library

Lemma ex_RInt_Reals_aux_1 (f : R R) (a b : R) :
   pr : Riemann_integrable f a b,
    is_RInt f a b (RiemannInt pr).

Lemma ex_RInt_Reals_1 (f : R R) (a b : R) :
  Riemann_integrable f a b ex_RInt f a b.

Lemma ex_RInt_Reals_0 (f : R R) (a b : R) :
  ex_RInt f a b Riemann_integrable f a b.

Lemma RInt_Reals (f : R R) (a b : R) :
   pr, RInt f a b = @RiemannInt f a b pr.

Theorems proved using standard library

Lemma ex_RInt_norm :
   (f : R R) a b, ex_RInt f a b
  ex_RInt (fun xnorm (f x)) a b.

Lemma abs_RInt_le :
   (f : R R) a b,
  a b ex_RInt f a b
  Rabs (RInt f a b) RInt (fun tRabs (f t)) a b.